The view that basically sold us on this place. The living room, fireplace and a FREAKIN' loft to boot! We love the airiness and openess of the place. I've tried to explain to other people why we liked this place so much and the best I could come up with was this was a "living space". You don't really leave the room so much as move from location to location, not like in a conventional house where you leave a room and it's like your in a completely separate space. My wife thinks I'm crazy for describing it like this (and she is probably right). What do you think?

You got freakin' Hello to work!
That is a pretty nice looking place... I love high ceilings like that...
sorta. You're suppposed to be able to post multiple photos simultaneously rather than as multiple different blog entries. Got an inquiry in the hello forums. We'll see how it goes.
WRT to the place. Yeah we LOVE high ceilings. I don't know if you can tell or not but the loft has a cathederal ceiling as well!
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